Offering online lessons!...again


I have decided to once again offer online lessons as an option, and am excited for the potential to meet and teach people from all over the world.  

The early days of the pandemic threw me into the online teaching world practically overnight.  I scrounged together the best tech I had at the time, which was an outdated phone that had very slow data speeds.  There were endless streaming and audio headaches, but I made it work, thanks to the patience of my students.  

Once things started opening back up, I put all my energy into resuming in-person lessons at my rehearsal studio here in Brooklyn.  Luckily, new students started to contact me fairly quickly and I slowly build back up a regular teaching schedule.  At the same time I cut down the online lessons until they all eventually faded out for various reasons.

Zoom ahead a year and I'm happy to say that I'm offering virtual lessons again.  With some major upgrades in equipment and a better teaching space hooked up to the internet, I'm confident in being able to provide high quality lessons for everyone.  So if you don't live in NYC and have always wanted to learn the drums, I hope you consider taking some virtual lessons with me!